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Название: Scripts liberation of Peasants in Russia in the First Quarter of the XIX-th Century in the Reflection of Rumors, Petitions and Noble Projects
Год издания: 2015
Тип публикации: Статьи в отечественных рецензируемых журналах
Библиографическое описание Timofeev D.V. Scripts liberation of Peasants in Russia in the First Quarter of the XIX-th Century in the Reflection of Rumors, Petitions and Noble Projects // Bylye Gody. – 2015. Vol. 37. № 3. P. 549–557.

On the basis of archival materials presents the basic "scenario" emancipation of the serfs in the first quarter of XIX-th century. A comparative analysis of the investigation of cases of dissemination of "unlawful speeches", denunciations, notes and projects identified the following options for addressing the issue of serfdom: the scenario of "external release," "liberation by the initiative of the Russian Emperor" by transferring the peasants on public lands and the payment of money compensation; exemption with the transition to a "new state" scenario "deferred liberation." Comparative analysis of the stories about the role of the state, the rate and conditions of the peasants of freedom, led to the conclusion about the existence in the minds of Russian citizens community paternalistic attitudes. Waiting initiative on the part of the state not only significantly slowed the development process of reform, but also contributed to the formation directly opposite behaviors aimed at the use of forced labor 

Ключевые слова

История России, реформы, крестьянство, помещичье хозяйство

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